18 Quotes & Sayings By Camron Wright

Camron Wright is an author and speaker who has dedicated his life to helping others discover the unlimited power of their minds. He is the author of over five hundred articles, blog posts, interviews, and videos on a variety of topics including neuroscience and psychology. His passion for helping others and his relentless drive to provide better information led him to create a book that provides a meaningful explanation of the brain and how it functions. His new book, The Mind: How It Works and How to Keep It Healthy, is an invaluable resource for anyone who wants to know more about how their mind works or what can be done to improve its performance.

The vain woman spent fortunes seeking out astrologers, sorcerers, and magicians who would concoct spells and potions to preserve her beauty and help her remain looking young--but envy is hard to cover. Camron Wright
People only go to the places they have visited first in their minds, " she says, uttering the phrase as if secrets to the universe have just been shared. "Perhaps that is how learning can help you. However, first you must see it, feel it, and then believe it. When you do, where it takes you may surprise. Camron Wright
But literature is unique. To understand literature, you read it with your head, but you interpret it with your heart. The two are forced to work together-and, quite frankly, they often don't get along. Camron Wright
Sang Ly, we are literature-our lives, our hopes, our desires, our despairs, our passions, our strengths, our weaknesses. Stories express our longing not only to make a difference today but to see what is possible for tomorrow. Literature has been called a handbook for the art of being human. Camron Wright
One of the first lessons that I hope you grasp is that woven into meaningful literature, so tightly that it can't be separated, is a telling lesson, even in stories as short as this one."" Always?" I ask." Always! " she confirms. "Good stories teach! Camron Wright
Literature is a cake with many toys baked inside-and even if you find them all, if you don't enjoy the path that leads you to them, it will be a hollow accomplishment. There was a playwright named Heller, American, I believe, who summed it up this way. He said, 'They knew everything about literature except how to enjoy it. Camron Wright
It's dangerous because my thoughts get away from themselves. Mixed with emotion, they pile up like the garbage that surrounds me. They stack layer upon layer, deeper and deeper, month after month- crushing, festering, smoldering. One day something is certain to combust. Camron Wright
You're anxious to jump into the river, but you haven't checked to see if the water is deep enough." I don't bother pretending. "Sopeap, you speak in riddles. What are you saying?"" I'm saying that life at the dump has limitations, but it serves a plate of predictability. Stung Meanchey offers boundaries. There are dangers, but they are understood, accepted, and managed. When we step out of that world, we enter an area of unknown. I'm questioning if you are ready. Everyone loves adventure, Sang Ly, when they know how the story ends. In life, however, our own endings are never as perfect. Camron Wright
I tell Ki that I'm learning about words and stories to help our family. He says he's protecting our family with his knife. Who is right? Which is best, protecting with words or with his knife?" She is instant, certain, and solemn, and there is no misunderstanding her meaning. "Fight ignorance with words. Fight evil with your knife. Tell you husband, Ki, that he is right. Camron Wright
All good stories - stories that touch your soul, stories that change your nature, stories that cause you to become a better person from their telling - these stories always contain truth. Camron Wright
I distance myself from heaven and then complain that heaven is distant. Camron Wright
Peace is a product of both patience and persistence. Camron Wright
Words provide a voice to our deepest feelings. I tell you, words have started and stopped wars. Words have built and lost fortunes. Words have saved and taken lives. Words have won and lost great kingdoms. Even Buddha said, 'Whatever words we utter should be chosen with care, for people will hear them and be influenced by them for good or ill. Camron Wright
Crafting a plan is easy. Taking action will always prove to be the more difficult path. Camron Wright
Worry in the dark can make it even darker. Camron Wright
I have been quiet today because fear in my heart has been fighting with frustration in my brain, leaving little energy for my mouth. Camron Wright
Of all the stories I have read about heroes, and all that I could ever read, of one thing I'm certain-he is mine. Camron Wright